Hey, y'all like recipes? Recipes are pretty good. Ads and extended slice-of-life blogs, hidden behind email newsletter sign-ups, subscription viewing, pop ups, and unnecessary videos, however, are NOT. This is a direct revolution to the "Recipe Blog" format, featuring plain and simple text-only recipes, all or most of which have been extensively field tested and sampled out to actual goblins (or at least, goblin-like humans).
The downside here is that this is a wildly mixed and blended bag of sources. These have been borrowed and modified from a variety of family grimoires, old magazines, modern recipe blogs, random friends, and simple experimentation. The net result is that while the field testing has gotten most of the formatting in the same rough way, the measurements and instructions are a little bit all over the place. All that to say, results may vary.
At this time, these are only sorted alphabetically. As transcription continues, hopefully, categories based on ingredients, allergens, skill level, and food type may emerge. There may also come a day when slightly fancier formatting is implemented. Thanks for your patience.
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