Cheese Balls and Other Orbs

Part of Sharing Our Best, the Philadelphia Baptist Church Family and Friends cookbook, released 1997

Edited and Adapted by Jack Verdis
legal and copyright notes

Ham and Cheese Balls

Sallie Clark

Combine all ingredients besides nuts, and shape into one large party-sized ball or several personal-sized balls. Roll balls in the nuts, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill for at least one hour before serving.

Pineapple Nut Ball

Shirley Montgomery

Mix all ingredients besides pecans well together until a uniform texture. Roll into one or more balls, roll in chopped nuts, and refridgerate until firm. Goes well with crackers.

Pineapple-Pecan Cheese Ball

Kansas Smith

Set aside one cup of the pecans. Gently roast the remaining cup of pecans for about 7 minutes at 375 F, until toasted. Chop further until ground. Combine the ground nuts, pineapple, pepper, onion, cream cheese, and salt until well mixed. Roll into one or more balls, and roll balls in the set-aside chopped nuts. Wrap and chill before serving, can be frozen for later.

Barbeque Meat Balls

Dora Smith

Combine bread crumbs and raw beef, and roll into balls no larger than 1 inch across. Place balls in single layer across a casserole dish. Mix together in a separate container the peppers, onion, water, vinegar, Worcestershire, and ketchup; pour the mix over the meatballs. Cook, covered, for 45 minutes at 400 F. Serve with toothpicks or spaghetti.

Sweet and Sour Meatballs

Regina Clements

Roll the sausage into small meatballs, and bake on a rack over a pan until browned and cooked through (about 30 minutes at 375 F). Mix all other ingredients together and add cooked meatballs. Marinate in the fridge for 24-48 hours and heat to serve.

Fruit Balls

Hannah Linder

Chop fruit and nuts and crush crackers, and set aside. Melt butter and marshmallows together over low heat, stirring constantly. Add the set-aside bits of fruit, crackers, and nuts to the pot of marshmallow mix; stir continuously over low heat until all are combined evenly. Cool mixture, then roll into small balls and roll in coconut. Makes about 100 balls; store in fridge or frozen.

Orange Balls

Deacon Dean Smith

Crush cookies into crumbs. Combine this with all other ingredients besides the coconut; mix well, and roll into bite-sized balls. Roll the balls in coconut, and serve.

"Pennies From Heaven"

Dora Smith

In an electric mixer, beat together the butter and cheese. Sift into bowl flour, salt, and red pepper, mixing well. Fold in Rice Krispies. Roll mixture into very small balls, and flatten. Bake at 400 F for 4-7 minutes until golden brown.