Jack's Family Grimoire

The family grimoire of recipes is a well-worn faux-leather three ring binder in my mother's kitchen.  Some others that look fairly similar exist in the hands of my aunts, but none are identical.  Each copy was hand-written by its keeper from the reference copy of my grandmother, also in possession of a hand-written grimoire handed down and modified.

Since then, things have changed.  The three-ring binder format allows for flexibility.  Some have been typed and set back in (mostly on a typewriter; I don't know that any have been computer processed).  Magazine clippings have been pasted in, new things written in all colors of ink, changes made, and never-used sections removed.

I don't even have a hard copy of this book.  Mine is built from scans and re-prints, and has been added to again in turn.

These are the recipes of my every day.  Yes, all of them.  From the Midwestern Granny food to the Asian and Tex-Mex influences, these are mine.