Meet The Goblins!

The Squash Polycule

Three goblins with mobility aids making a heart with all their hands.

Acorn, Butternut, and Zucchini are an aging but still supportive polycule grouping, all named after squash. They have only one legal child, known as Pumpkin, who is still not pictured, but the trio is more than happy to officially or unofficially adopt anyone and everyone who needs a little parental support.

a fancy goblin with a large decorative hat, dark green dress, and a cane
Acorn is a fast-talking, fast-walking goblin of high-class fashion taste, favoring large and well-decorated hats and classy canes that she only a little bit needs to walk smoothly as well as quickly. She likes brown sugar candies and always has a bag of them ready, and will happily talk for hours about the bygone days when all three of them would go out dancing. Her official catchphrase is "Lean on Me," but generally this is taken to mean using the support system one has.

a goblin in a wheelchair, having an amazing time
Butternut is all sweet and no spice, with a love of caramel hard candies and fluffy dresses, "like being a little goblin cupcake." She uses the wheelchair mostly for hip issues, and loves to listen to anyone go on about how they are doing in school, especially Pumpkin (who graduated some years ago). Her life philosophy is "Keep on Rolling," which is also the title line of one of the top favorite songs of Butternut and the artist responsible for her.

an old man goblin with a walker
Zucchini was a top-class dancer for a goblin, but a bad ankle fracture left him using a walker in his advancing age. He likes stripes and the color green, and his advice for the young ones is "You have Support," but would also like to add to make sure and eat your vegetables.

Three goblins with mobility aids making a heart with all their hands; 'YOUR GOBLIN PARENTS BELIEVE IN YOU' captioned on.

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