Things that are Actually in Progress
- Mini coloring books, featuring the best of the sticker designs. A prototype version is already available.
- A cookbook. Check out the Recipes page!
- A tarot deck! The major arcana suit will be released first.
- Assorted illustrations and additional content for the Goblin Library, and the things contained within
- An Ultimate Guide To Cake Decorating, which is notably less goblin themed and more just testing to see if I'm any good at technical writing; by focusing on a topic I know plenty about. The finished product will be published here.
- Even more of the holiday cards, additional holiday representation specifically.
- More goblins, always.
- This website! And general social media presence
Stuff That May Eventually Exist
- A proper full-size coloring book with whole scenes and backgrounds
- The Goblin Market, a board game, in cahoots with Omnihedron
- Actual merch... potential investments of equipment include mugs, regular cups, tee shirts, buttons, and magnets
- Art that is not necessarily goblin themed. Shocking, I know. It will still be cute and amusing, promise.
- A novel???? I'm having to work with a real writer for this one, so it might be a while. It will be illustrated, promise.
- Short stories, amusing songs, quotes of wisdom, and poems; illustrated, partially stolen or adapted. Need to check copyrights on some of these. Not super sure what to use them for, either.