Anything with feathers. Chicken, duck, goose, small bird, feather duster, uniform plume.
- Noun
- Plural: chickens
- "Ooo, chicken dinner!" (looking at a duck)
- "Nice chicken!" (making conversation with a soldier with a fancy plume, on guard)
- "THE CHICKENS ARE SWARMING!" (running in terror from a flock of cassowaries)
A thing which has been altered to now be smaller bits of itself. This can be from cutting a vegetable, post-violence or decomposition of just about anything, or an object breaking or ripping.
- Noun (Chunks)
- "Hand me those chunks" (of squash, diced for soup)
- "Don't touch that chunk, it's probably haunted" (inspecting a severed hand from a safe distance)
- Verb (chunk, to chunk)
- "Take this squash and chunk it!"
- "Oh, that guy so got chunked" (while looking at a scattered skeleton)
- Adjective (Chunked)
- "Hand me that chunked squash!" (for soup)
- "Yeah, chunked Bob. Not a pretty sight." (referring to a friend who was exploded)
A thing which occurs in nature, typically small enough to lift and of a crunchy texture. This includes acorns, pine cones, sticks, fallen leaves, rocks, etc. Not necessarily edible, but can be.
- Noun
- Plural: Crunchies
- "Look at all these crunchies!" (while walking through the forest admiring the leaves)
- "Are you gonna eat that last crunchy?" (referring to a forgotten acorn among snacks)
Things that swim. Anything that swims. Fish, crabs, gators, krakens, ducks. Some seaweed that makes wiggly motions when underwater.
- Noun
- Plural: a lot of Dinner
- "Ooo, chicken dinner!" (looking at a duck)
- "THIS DINNER WANTS TO EAT ME!" (while running from a crab)
- "That's a lot of dinner" (looking at a well-stocked aquarium tank)
To explode is to cease to be, typically in a dramatic fashion, but not always. Sometimes the thing that ceases to be is a state of being, more so than a living being.
- Verb
- "Yeah, that soup just exploded!" (a lot of soup was eaten in a short time)
- "Oh, Cactus exploded their gender last week. I think they're a them now."
- "It just exploded!" (goblin caught in the wreckage of a Thing, which has clearly exploded)
Liquid of any variety, usually thin liquid. This includes milk, rain, pond water, kool aid, blood...
- Noun (juice)
- "And then we add the juice..." (making soup)
- "Drink your moo juice!" (to a child with a glass of milk)
- Adjective (Juicy)
- "sky's juicy tonight" (it's raining hard)
- "why are you juicy?" (someone is very wet)
- Verb (Juiced, to juice)
- "and then she totally juiced him" (threw water on a problematic guest)